A hectic week preparing for the gallery opening at Urbana last week. I struggled with the chair design for most of the week, but in typical fashion pulled things together with just enough time to get it all done.

I worked through the design at full scale with some scrap Maple I had on hand. I tried to document the entire process, but as I got more crunched for time I forgot to photo the stages.

Rotated the legs a bit, changed the taper on the seats. I really struggled with the seat.

I skipped about a days worth of frustration with the pics. Taking the chair apart cutting carving glueing. Then I realized that I had to start the final chairs or I wouldn't have time to finish. So here is a pic of the Mahogany glued up for the seat and back of one chair.

Then magically they completed themselves and loading up in the truck ready for delivery. I'll be taking better pictures in a few days check back for some details of the chair.